
Seasonal allergies are no picnic, even though they tend to be worse during picnic season. Allergies to botanical elements plague up to thirty percent of adults and forty percent of kids, causing itchy eyes, sore throat, sneezing, and coughing. As different plants bloom and fade throughout the growing season, folks may find themselves feeling better or getting hit all over again with a new kind of allergic reaction.

Following are the top foods you may want to ease up on, or skip out on, when your seasonal allergies are at their height.
Blue Cheese
Blue cheese is a part of a group of foods that are aged, fermented, or cultured and contain high levels of histamine. More tends to be produced the longer a food ages, so most blue and/or mature cheeses are potential allergy triggers. Other things to avoid include smoked meats, sauerkraut, and any kind of alcohol. Sufferers could find that these foods make symptoms like itchy and watery eyes, sneezing, and congestion much worse.

Almonds & other nuts
If tree pollen gives you trouble, there’s a good chance that tree nuts will also aggravate your allergies. Almonds are especially prone to causing a topplay reaction in people who are sensitive to trees. The other most common allergy-inflaming nuts include walnuts, cashews, and pistachios. If you have experimented and found a nut you want to avoid in the future, remember to read food labels. Many nuts are used in flour or “milk” too.

Wine is made with fermented grapes, so it joins that category of aged products that are high in histamines. Actually, all alcohol is fermented and can aggravate your seasonal allergies. But wine is also high in sulfites, which is known to bring on asthma and other allergy symptoms. A 2005 study out of Sweden found that red and white wines were the most common triggers in people who have seasonal allergies, and for an unknown reason, women were twice as likely to be affected as men.

If ragweed is the allergen that plagues you, it may be smart to avoid bananas. People who are allergic to ragweed and consume raw bananas may notice swelling of the lips or tongue, plus irritation in the mouth and throat. The reactions are typically confined to raw bananas, so you will likely still be fine with banana cream pie. Other raw foods that could be troublesome are watermelon, cantaloupe, cucumber, honeydew, and raw zucchini.


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