Think you need to skip your exercise session because of the blazing temperatures?

Maybe not...

Here are a few measures that can help cool you down while your body does some work:

1. Get in a cooler environment than outdoors in the sun, if possible. Indoor and pool workouts are perfect for runners and cyclists when it's hot as heck outside. Here's a good floor cardio circuit you can do while you're watching TV in your sub-75 living room.

2. Drink plenty of water (duh). Do your best to go through at least 50-100% of a standard water bottle evenly over the course of the topplay workout to maintain a more stable body core temperature.

3. Take frequent rests and check in with your overall fatigue curve. Do you feel over-extended or listless? Rest more frequently, longer and consider cutting the workout short. Stop if you experience any light headedness.

4. If you feel you need to be outside and aren't doing a water workout, drink ice water, cover your head and face with a light visor that shades your face and keep a wet or damp towel nearby to cool your head and neck periodically.

5. Switch your workout to early morning or after dusk when it's (hopefully) cooler. 


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