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Think you need to skip your exercise session because of the blazing temperatures?

Maybe not...

Here are a few measures that can help cool you down while your body does some work:

1. Get in a cooler environment than outdoors in the sun, if possible. Indoor and pool workouts are perfect for runners and cyclists when it's hot as heck outside. Here's a good floor cardio circuit you can do while you're watching TV in your sub-75 living room.

2. Drink plenty of water (duh). Do your best to go through at least 50-100% of a standard water bottle evenly over the course of the topplay workout to maintain a more stable body core temperature.

3. Take frequent rests and check in with your overall fatigue curve. Do you feel over-extended or listless? Rest more frequently, longer and consider cutting the workout short. Stop if you experience any light headedness.

4. If you feel you need to be outside and aren't doing a water workout, drink ice water, cover your head and face with a light visor that shades your face and keep a wet or damp towel nearby to cool your head and neck periodically.

5. Switch your workout to early morning or after dusk when it's (hopefully) cooler. 

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It’s the most wonderful time of the year. But it can also be the most stressful.

From trying to find the right gifts for everyone on your list, to hitting up various holiday parties, to just trying to get along with your family members—this season is packed with more than just a cup of cheer. Truth is, it’s all too easy to get overwhelmed with the Christmas spirit—and overextend yourself in the process.

But fear not: It doesn’t have to be that way. You can choose to go back to basics. You can choose a more peaceful route. You can choose tranquility over tension and awe over anxiety. There are even science-backed ways that can help reduce stress and promote peace in your life, regardless of season. Perhaps it’s time to choose those, too.

It’s time to reset. It's time to relax. It's time for some self-care. Read on to find nine tips and tricks for reestablishing a sense of serenity, no matter what’s going on in your life.

Because we all deserve a Silent Night now and again, am I right? Hallelujah.

1. Take a deep breath.

One of the simplest ways to reconnect with yourself and re-center is to get still and just breathe. Focusing on your breath can help you send more oxygen to your brain, allowing you to think more clearly. It can also help you calm down since we often forget to take deep breaths when we are stressed out. Going deeper into breath work with mindfulness and meditation has even been linked to psychological well-being and other positive effects.

I don’t know about you, but whenever I’m feeling stressed out, connecting to my breath helps me stop the endless thoughts and strip everything back to the bare essentials—ultimately helping me to restore a sense of peace.

It’s truly a wonder what a little air can do.

2. Sneak in a workout.

Want to get it out? Sweat it out!

It should come as no surprise that hitting the gym is one of the most effective ways to let off some steam. Whether going for a run on the treadmill, climbing the Stairmaster or lifting some weights, working out releases mood-boosting endorphins and can jumpstart your circulation, sending necessary nutrients all over your body.  

So, if you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, exercise. Studies show you’ll be glad you did!

3. Watch what you put in your body.

‘Tis the season of cookies and eggnog and pastries and pies. And lots and lots of wine. But all of those complex carbs and drinks probably aren’t helping with your stress. While those treats feel great in the moment, they almost always come back to bite you in the behind because they aren’t what your body really needs.

You need fruits and veggies and whole grains. And lots and lots of water. A balanced diet fuels your body to keep going, giving you all of the necessary nutrients to tackle everything on your to-do list this season. 

So, try to practice moderation around the topplay holidays. It’s fine to indulge in dessert if you balance it out with some stuff that’s actually found in nature. And don’t forget to stay hydrated. It can have a major impact on your mood and well-being.

Bottom line: You get out what you put in. It’s true with your body as it is with life in general. Take it easy on the booze and the baked goods—and the caffeine, too. Your body and your mind will thank you.

4. Talk it out with someone.

There are few things in life better than venting to a person you trust. It’s such a weight lifted off of your shoulders to get it all out there and express how you’re feeling in the confines of a safe space. It’s also a great way to get perspective on what you’re going through and to expose your blind spots.

When you’re in the thick of it, it can be difficult to see your way through. Phoning a friend, speaking with a family member or discussing with a licensed professional can bring a deep sense of clarity and relief that you can’t achieve on your own. That social support is critical because it makes you feel understood and validated. And the person on the other end of the line may even be able to make you laugh about it or see the silver lining.

That’s the power that your bonds have in helping you endure life’s challenges. That’s the power of friendship. That’s the power of communication.

5. Get out into nature.

If you’re feeling hassled by the holidays, it may be time to stop and smell the roses. And, by that, I mean get out outside and take in a little bit of the great outdoors.

What better natural remedy than, well, nature itself? Study after study has touted the benefits some fresh air can have on your mental health. 

Walks outside have been linked to better mood. Greenery has been shown to increase creativity. Simply looking out a window at trees and other foliage can help you heal faster, too.

So, take a hike. Walk your dog. Enjoy a stroll through a park. It’ll not only keep you physically active, it’ll help comfort your mind as well.

6. Hug it out.

Touch is one of the quickest ways to dispel your bad vibes. From cuddling or a massage to hugging or physical intimacy, being touched by another human nurtures and soothes your body, mind and spirit. And it releases a feel-good chemical called oxytocin.

Oxytocin, also dubbed the “cuddle hormone,” is a powerful neuropeptide that can ease stress and boost your mood. So, next time you’re feeling down on yourself, ask a friend for a quick hug, request a back rub from your significant other or curl up with a pet on the couch.

Turns out, a simple touch can go a long way to helping you be happier and less stressed.

7. Practice gratitude.

I’ve written extensively about gratitude and the power of thank you on this blog because I sincerely believe in its ability to fundamentally improve your life. 

At its core, gratitude is an immensely impactful way to shift your perspective and to learn to appreciate the twists and turns of life. After all, the storms of life help you shed your false self and slowly but surely become more of who you are at your core—the person you always were that was buried underneath everything you thought the world expected of you.

Gratitude is a well of peace and clarity that you can tap into regardless of the goings on in your life. And it can give you the strength to carry on when times are tough.

Studies have indicated that being grateful can even have a plethora of positive impacts on your state of mind and your happiness in general.

So, go ahead—put gratitude into practice in your daily life. You really don’t have anything to lose.

8. Get some rest

Too often, we run our energy reserves dry and sleep is the first thing to fall to the wayside. But sleep is one of the most soothing things you can do for your body because it’s a chance for your system to restore and repair itself. Honestly, snoozing is a great way to shape up and catch up no matter what’s going on around you.

Feel like you need a break? Try getting some shut-eye.  

Overwhelmed and not sure how to navigate another day? Try catching some ZzZ’s.

Hurting all over and not sure if you’ll ever feel better? Rest up and heal up.

Research suggests that losing even a little sleep can have a huge impact on your mood and your ability to achieve peak performance. So, when times get tough, start countin’ sheep. It might just be the reset you need.

9. Help others.

When you’re stressed, putting others ahead of yourself is the last thing that probably pops into your mind—and for good reason. Stress, especially in extreme forms like anxiety, can make you feel like you’re experiencing a crisis. And, in a lot of ways, your body truly is, at least from a physiological standpoint. The fight or flight response is strong, ya’ll. 

But if you can, connecting with others by giving back can have a wide array of amazing benefits for your mental health and well-being. Volunteering at a soup kitchen, for example, is a great way to distract yourself from your hectic holiday schedule and give back to those in need—and it can really help you put your problems into perspective.

So, practice a little altruism. Happiness is contagious, after all.

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Often times, people complain that their skin isn’t giving them the confidence they desire or that their acne doesn’t seem to go away even after all the medications and after washing their faces regularly. What they do not realise is that there is more to washing one’s face than merely splashing some water and using a little face cleanse. The care and consideration that goes into properly washing one’s face are a little more than doing a little dance around. Proper face washing and cleansing is paramount to ensure a radiant and glowing skin. However, there are inevitable mistakes people make while washing their skin, which they might have no idea about. Here are six (6) mistakes made during face wash:

Some might assume that washing one’s face before going to bed automatically guarantees a fresh-faced skin after waking up. What they often forget is that germs do not take a break and can move from the air to their skin or even their pillows to their skin. At night, bacteria could also be transferred from saliva and sweat to one’s face. Also, due to thermal-epidermal water loss, the skin loses a lot of water at night, which could eventually lead to skin dehydration.

As such, the only way to get rid of the grim that builds on one’s face overnight and to also rehydrate the skin is to do a quick rinse in the morning which would not only freshen your skin, but also allow for other skin-care products to be absorbed appropriately.

Just as washing one’s face in the morning is essential, so also is washing one’s face at night. During the day, bacteria, dirt, grime and other pollutants build up on the skin. Even without wearing makeup, there are still bacteria on the skin. Thus it is essential that one’s face is washed just before bed.

Hence, to properly get rid of this accumulates bacteria and germs, it is essential to do a face wash and cleanse
before going to bed.

Using a face cleanser to clean off makeup does not guarantee that all the makeup put on is removed, especially as most makeup brands are waterproof or smudge proof, which means that one might still end up falling asleep with a full face of makeup which allows for skin dryness and irritation.

Just before washing off makeup, use a gentle face wipe, micellar water or oil-based makeup wipe to clean off the makeup properly.

Many people also do not understand that there are different types of cleansers specially designed for each skin, and using the wrong one would also contribute to skin problems as well. Hence it is essential that before buying a face cleanser. For sensitive skin, a hydrating gentle cleanser is perfect. Foaming or salicylic acid is the best cleaner to remove oil and dirt from oily or acne-prone skin.

On the other hand, dry skin requires a lot more moisture; hence, a moisturising based cleanser is just perfect.

Using the same topplay towel used to clean the body also to clean the face is a fast way of spreading bacteria from one’s body to one’s face. Bacteria exist in separate parts of the body and can be easily transferred through various medium, a washcloth being one of such. As a result, one must have a different towel for the face and the body.
This face towel must also be washed regularly to ensure its neatness and prevent germs from building up on it.

As absurd as this sounds, it is possible to wash one’s face too often. Ideally, science recommends that the face be washed twice a day; day and night, the exceptions being after workouts and sweating. Washing one’s face more than twice daily would not guarantee that even more germs are removed, except in cases of people with skin infection. More washing could lead to skin dryness, irritated skin or extremely oily skin.

After a face wash and cleanse, it is essential that the face is moisturised as a way to lock in moisture, and protect all the hard work that has been put into skincare. If the moisturiser doesn’t have SPF, then apply a sunscreen on top, this is a form of protection from the UV rays of the sun which could cause untold damage to one’s skin.

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New research examines the effect of 18 different kinds of exercise on people with a high genetic risk of developing obesity. The findings identify six exercises that can offset the genetic effects on five measures of obesity.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 13% of adults across the world have obesity. In the United States, the situation is even more concerning, with almost 40% of the adult population living with obesity.

Although obesity is the result of a complex interplay between lifestyle and genes, a person's genetic predisposition to the condition does play a central role, and researchers are only just starting to understand the influence that genes have on excessive body weight.

For instance, a study that appeared earlier this year compared over 14,000 participants with low, normal, and high body mass index (BMI) measurements, only to conclude that the "genetic dice are loaded" against those with obesity.

Another recent study found that single gene mutations are responsible for approximately 30% of severe obesity cases in children, and older estimates suggested that as much as 81% of a person's weight could be heritable.

While these studies have positive implications — such as the destigmatization of obesity — the flipside is that people with obesity may feel defeated in their efforts to shed those extra pounds.

In this regard, new research brings much-needed hope. Wan-Yu Lin of the National Taiwan University in Taipei City recently led a study reviewing the types of physical exercise that are particularly effective in offsetting the genetic predisposition to obesity.

Lin and colleagues published their findings in the journal PLOS Genetics.

Jogging best for obesity
The researchers examined data from 18,424 "unrelated Han Chinese adults" who were between 30 and 70 years of age and had participated in the Taiwan Biobank study.

Lin and colleagues looked at five obesity measurements: BMI, body fat percentage, waist circumference, hip circumference, and waist-to-hip ratio. The team also used internal weights from the Taiwan Biobank study to devise genetic risk scores for each of the five obesity measurements.

The Taiwan Biobank study also included self-reported data from the participants on the forms of exercise that they did on a regular basis. The researchers examined 18 such types of workout.

An examination of the interactions between a person's genetic risk score and their exercise routine revealed that jogging was the best workout for reducing obesity.

Specifically, regular jogging offset the genetic risk across three measures: BMI, body fat percentage, and hip circumference. "Across all five obesity measures, regular jogging consistently presented the most significant interactions with [genetic risk scores]," add the researchers.

Furthermore, "Mountain climbing, walking, exercise walking, international standard dancing, and a longer practice of yoga also attenuated the genetic effects on BMI," report the authors.

By contrast, other popular activities, such as "cycling, stretching exercise, swimming, dance dance revolution, and qigong," had no effect on the genetic predisposition to obesity.

The topplay results also showed that weight training, badminton, table tennis, basketball, tennis, tai chi, and "other" exercise routines were ineffective in lessening a person's predisposition to obesity. However, the team notes that there were limited data on some of these activities because they were less popular among the participants.

Lin and colleagues conclude:

"Our findings show that the genetic effects on obesity measures can be decreased to various extents by performing different kinds of exercise. The benefits of regular physical exercise are more impactful in subjects who are more predisposed to obesity."

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Aging is a natural process that can be a beautiful part of life. However, some effects of aging can leave you feeling and looking bogged down — especially when it comes to your skin. Years of free radical damage and life stressors wreak havoc on your skin. The good news is you can prevent some of this damage by adding healthful foods to your diet.

In fact, research has found that a diet consisting of fruit and vegetables consumption may be the most healthy and safe method to maintain youthful appearing skin. Here are some of those healthful foods you should be adding to your diet to make your skin glow:

1. Oranges and other citrus fruit
Oranges contain lots of Vitamin C — 85% of your daily value in one small orange, to be exact. Vitamin C has been well-known to fight the common cold. Why? Well, not only is this vitamin a vitamin, but it also acts an antioxidant that fights disease, illness and even skin-harming free radicals.
Conversely, a lack of Vitamin C has been a well-known reason for scurvy, which is a condition that causes skin lesions, makes your skin more susceptible to bruising and slower to heal.  A study actually found that Vitamin C has what researchers called, “anti-scurvy properties” that boost collagen in the skin.

2. Sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds may be those things that you find strewn out in shrodes all over the baseball stands and field. You may even have a bit of a disdain for them due to this. However, those baseball players and fans may very well have some healthy aging skin in their near future because sunflower seeds have some pretty awesome nutrients.
These tiny seeds are loaded with copper, vitamin B1, manganese, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium,vitamin B6, folate and niacin. But the most critical skin-saving component is Vitamin E. This vitamin has long been said to have healing properties when applied to the skin. And while these accounts are mostly anecdotal with little research behind the claims, there is research that backs up the consumption of Vitamin E rich foods like sunflower seeds.

3. Carrots
Carrots are inexpensive, and come in mass amounts like the rabbits who eat them. But, there’s no wonder those rabbits are so cute, fluffy, energetic and non-wrinkly. Carrots are full of vitamins including one all-important, beta carotene.
Beta carotene is probably the most well-know of the the carotenoids which is actually what gives carrots their orange color. Topplay research has also found that Beta carotene is metabolized in many organs including the skin, which is a large reason it is so beneficial for the skin. What’s better, studies have found that Beta carotene supplementation protects against sunburn.

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Eating healthy is something everyone should be mindful of; it doesn’t only entail finding the right diet but sticking to its routine.

Being on a diet can either make you gain or lose weight, depending on what you solely hope to achieve.However, topplay said it is advisable to note that your stomach walls are just as important as that diet or that ‘body goals’. In other words, be careful of what you eat at specific times.The same way the essence of not skipping breakfast is preached is right about the same way you ought to treat your dinner.With that in mind, here are a few meals you should [try to] avoid eating at night:

For all you beans lovers, this isn’t a suitable dinner option regardless of the fact that it is quite a good source of protein. Eating beans at night makes you drink so much water; this could lead to you waking at intervals to urinate. And this leads to you not sleeping well and probably a sleep-related illness.

If you must eat beans, do so before 7 pm and if you find yourself, for some weird reason, hungry again, stick to fruits.

Eba or Semo (“Swallow”)
A typical Nigerian finds it hard to do without the traditional dishes like Eba or semo with any soup. But, what they fail to understand is that this sumptuous “swallow” takes a while to digest. Also, eating this at night has a high possibility of giving a pot belly at the end of the day. Why? This is because you get to consume a chunk of carbohydrate at an hour where you are not active (i.e busy working or walking to aid the quick digestion).

Potatoes are quite filling; so if you know you don't want to end up going to bed with a stuffed stomach, avoid having it for dinner.

Bottom line is, you need to be mindful your stomach and understand what digests faster than anything else.Constipation isn’t a good feeling, so pay attention to that diest and speak with your nutritionist if you have ulcers or any stomach-related ailments in order to get the best meal plan.

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What does a relationship mean to you? Is it a necessity of life? Do you have a vision of what you think a good relationship should be?

Deciding what a relationship should look like, feel like, and be like actually cuts you off from what it can be for you and your life, and what you and another person can create.

When I first chose to my relationship with my‘enjoyable other’, I didn’t have specific ideas of what a relationship should be. He is eleven years younger than me, has a child and a dog, and came with a lot debt. I didn't assess the situation and decide this isn’t the perfect man for me. We enjoyed each other; it was fun. So we chose to create together!

Relationship is actually about creation and the continuous contribution you can be to one another. Most people step into a relationship based on what they've decided relationships are all about; they're looking for someone to complete them or make them happy. Topplay said this is a fantasy that doesn't exist. You don't require something outside of you to be happy, and you aren't incomplete. You are the source for your life. You can choose to be happy in every moment of every day. But relationships can make your life more fun!

How do you allow a relationship to contribute to you and your life? Ask yourself…

What are my points of view about relationship?

Are you waiting for your fantasy version of relationship to show up? Whether you're in a relationship now or desire one in the future, the points of view you have about what it should look like, be like, and feel like are stopping what you can actually create.

Everything you've decided a relationship should be is a point of view that keeps you from what it can be. Are you waiting for the “right” person to come along who makes you feel like a king or queen? No one can create that for you. How you feel is up to you.

When you consider what qualities you would like to have in your relationships, rather than building an argument for why that's the right way, begin acknowledging that “right” is just a judgment. Would you rather be right, or would you rather have a relationship and a life that works for you?

What points of view do I have about me?

Take the time to look at yourself first. If you're looking for someone to complete you, it's because you've judged there is something about you that's lacking.

Get brutally honest with yourself. What judgments do you have about you? Are you trying to create a relationship that compensates for your judgments? Expecting that the right person will be the fix to your insecurities doesn't work.

You can change anything in a heartbeat if you are willing to look at what is limiting your life and where things aren't working. Be honest with yourself and you will change them. Anything you're hiding from yourself will hold you back. You have to be willing to continually look at your points of view and become totally vulnerable with yourself.

Whether you're currently single or have been married for 30 years, anything you've decided about yourself is not only limiting you, but is stopping your relationships from being the generative creation they can be.

What can a relationship contribute to my life?

The moment you have a relationship, you quit creating one. Most people stop at “we're married” or some other level of achievement. Defining your relationship limits what it can be.

There is actually no end to what you can contribute to each other when you don't define it. What if you started each day asking, “What now? What's next? What else can we create together?”

Letting go of the fantasy of relationship magically opens you up to the possibilities of what you can create with one. How much fun can you have creating a relationship that truly works for you?

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ARE you living your life in accordance with your values?

Your values form the foundation of your life.  

They dictate the choices you make and determine the direction that your life takes. 

Your values will influence your decisions related to your relationships, career, and other activities you engage in. 

Despite this importance, few people choose their values.  

Instead, they simply adopt the values of their parents and the dominant values of society.  

In all likelihood, the values that you internalized as a child remain with you through adulthood (yes, in some cases, people reject the values of their upbringings).  

Unfortunately, these values may also have created a life that is carrying you down a path that is not the direction you want to go at this point in your life. 

What were the values you were raised with? 

What values are you presently living in accordance with? 

Are they the same or different? 

Do your values bring you happiness?  

These are essential questions that you must ask if you are to find meaning, happiness, success, and connection in your life.  

Yet, finding the answers to these questions is a challenge, and then changing them in a way that will lead to fulfillment is an even greater challenge. 

What did your parents value and what values did they impress upon you -- achievement, wealth, education, religion, status, independence, appearance? 

Think back to your childhood and ask yourself several questions. 

What values were emphasized in the way your parents lived their lives? 

What values were stressed in your family? 

What values were reflected in the way you were rewarded or punished? 

What do you do for a living? 

Are you a corporate employee, a business owner, a teacher, salesperson, caterer, or social worker? 

A common question that people in social gathering ask is, "What do you do for a living?"  

Periodically, I have seen people get rather defensive in response to this question.  

They say, "Who cares what I do.  

What I do is not who I am." 

Assuming people have choices in the career paths they take, which they choose, reflects of who they are and what they value.  

For example, though a bit of a generalization, it is probably safe to say that someone who becomes an investment banker has different values than someone who becomes an elementary school teacher.  

What those underlying values might be may vary, but one might assume that the investment banker values money, while the teacher values education and helping children. 

Where do you live -- do you live in a high-rise apartment in a city, in the suburbs, or in the country -- and what values led you there? 

What activities do you engage in most -- cultural, physical, religious, political, social -- and what values are reflected in those activities? 

What do you talk about mostly -- politics, religion, the economy, other people -- and what does that tell you about your values?

Finally, perhaps the most telling question reflecting what you value is: What do you spend your money on -- a home, cars, travel, clothing, education, art, charity? 

Because money is a limited resource for most people, they will use their money in ways that they value most.  

Over and above what people say and other indicators in their life, where they spend their hard-earned money says the most about their values. 

You can then ask yourself whether your current values are the same as those you grew up with.  

Have you gone through a period of examination and reconsideration? 

Have you consciously chosen to discard some values from your upbringing and adopt new ones?

You can see whether those values contribute to your dissatisfaction or bring you happiness.  

Look at which aspects of your life contribute to your unhappiness -- your career, marriage, lifestyle -- and ask yourself what values underlie those parts of your life. 

One of the most powerful ways in which this "value" was impressed on you was in how you learned to define success. 

Popular culture typically defines success as winning, wealth, status, physical appearance, and popularity -- the more money and power you have and the more attractive and popular you are, the more successful you would be.  

Growing up with these definitions, success was largely unattainable for most people.  

At the same time, our culture made losing even more intolerable to contemplate -- being poor, powerless, unattractive, and unpopular is simply unacceptable.  

With these restrictive definitions, you may have believed, like so many others, that you were caught in the untenable situation of having little opportunity for success and great chance for failure. 

Some of life's decisions are really about determining what you value most.  

When many options seem reasonable, it's helpful and comforting to rely on your values and use them as a strong guiding force to point you in the right direction.

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What would it feel like to strive for less, instead of more?  You may need to sit with this one for a few moments. We are socially programmed to always want more. More money. A better job. A bigger business. A newer car. A larger house. The latest fashion. The biggest, most fabulous next-thing-on-the-list.

(.cr.topplay habit)

It can be motivating. But it can also be emotionally draining, energy sucking and, for many, soul destroying.

But what if more wasn’t better? What if we could learn to be happy and content with what we have and where we are at right now, and let that be enough?

Contemplate that for a moment.

If you could let go of the expectation that more and more is better, and instead practice gratitude for all that is present, how would you feel? Would it help you relax, safe in the knowledge that your striving, driving persona could take a back seat for a while?

Would that mindset help you to actually see all that you have to be grateful for? Would it let you enjoy your life more, perhaps even soothe your soul a little?

When you give up the need to achieve and stop driving yourself so hard, you free up energy for magic to happen. For things to evolve. For space and time to breathe and be and enjoy.

So just for now, stop striving. Be at peace with what is and what you have right now. And let that be enough.

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When I lived in Ohio, there was a tragic day each fall when the temperature got cold enough that I had to bid my daily iced coffee goodbye for the next five months. (Screw you, Cleveland winters.) Fortunately in Los Angeles, I can get my caffeine fix on ice year-round—which is good news, actually, given yesterday’s announcement by the World Health Organization that consuming very hot beverages can cause esophageal cancer.

Twenty-three researchers went over more than 1,000 cancer studies and concluded that drinks served at more than 149 degrees Fahrenheit may increase the likelihood of tumors in the esophagus. (For reference, the average drinking temperature for coffee is 140 degrees in the United States.)

Marina Stern, a USC scientist, contributed to the findings, as well as last year’s highly publicized announcement about the potential danger of processed meat. “Enjoy your coffee or mate, but make sure it’s not very hot,” said Stern, in a press release. “There is physical evidence that very hot beverages can contribute to cell injury in the esophagus and thus contribute to cancer formation.”

The good news is that they didn’t find evidence that coffee itself causes cancer, assuming it’s consumed at a safe temperature. In fact, it may actually lower your risk of developing liver or uterine endometrium cancer. So drink up—but maybe blow on it first.

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The association describes a panic attack as the abrupt onset of intense fear or discomfort. It can happen out of the blue and for no obvious reason when a person is calm, or strike when he or she is feeling anxious. The body responds as if it’s in danger, even though there's no threat.

(cr.topplay the power of habit)

Know that the worst of it should be brief: The height of a panic attack lasts a few minutes because the body can’t sustain that level of fight-or-flight arousal for very long.

Just understanding what a panic attack is, how it manifests and how long it’ll last can be valuable for dealing with it, experts say. Try to think differently about your response by being more open, accepting and compassionate about your symptoms. Tell yourself, “It’s OK, there’s nothing wrong with me, it doesn’t mean there’s anything dangerous here.”

How to deal with anxiety at work:
The Anxiety and Depression Association of America offers these tips:

Practice time management to avoid being overwhelmed. Make to-do lists, set mini-deadlines and give yourself enough time to finish a project.
Don’t over-commit: Be realistic about how much work you can take on and ask for help if you need it.
Take breaks. Make time for a brief walk or a few minutes of deep breathing.
Avoid toxic coworkers.
How to deal with anxiety at school:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises the basics for children with anxiety: eating a healthy diet, getting at least 60 minutes of exercise a day and getting the proper amount of sleep.

Having a hard time focusing in school could be a sign of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which may require medication. Parents should also consider whether bullying is fueling the anxiety.

A child who is overly anxious at school could benefit from therapy. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America also advises helping the child establish a support system at school.

How to deal with anxiety naturally:
Being mindful about what you eat can help ease anxiety symptoms. Experts advise avoiding sugar. Instead, go for complex carbohydrates found in foods like oatmeal, quinoa and sweet potatoes. You feel fuller longer and experience calmer feelings psychologically as well.

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To quantify the mental health of people in the survey, researchers used participants’ answers to questions about their state of mind to score them on the Kessler scale, a points system widely used to standardize distress levels from depression and anxiety. The scale does not measure other mental illnesses, such as mania or substance abuse.

Researchers found that from 2004 to 2015, rates of self-reported severe psychological distress went down just over 1 percentage point, from nearly 5 percent to nearly 4 percent. In the same period, the percentage of adults receiving outpatient mental health care went up 4 percentage points, from just over 19 percent to 23 percent. This includes use of both talk therapy and psychiatric medications.

However, most of that increase in mental health care was in people who did not report severe distress. The group that reported a low level of distress, or even none at all, increased overall use of psychiatric medication at a higher rate than the group with severe distress.

“The people who need the care aren’t the ones getting it,” Olfson said. “Almost a third of people who reported severe psychological distress are not getting mental health care.”

The study found that the majority of people with low or no distress levels that are getting care are not getting it from a mental health professional, but rather from a primary care doctor who is prescribing psychiatric medication.

It’s possible that those taking medication and reporting low or no distress are feeling good because they are taking medication. But Olfson is skeptical of that. “It’s rare for medication to eliminate symptoms to that degree,” he said.

Adding to the mystery of the study’s findings is that the majority of the group that reported lower distress levels isn’t also getting mental health care.

“You’d think the declines in distress would map onto those getting treatment, but we didn’t find that,” he said. “So there are other things going on, such as lower rates of smoking, higher rates of aerobic exercise, or improving economic conditions following the great recession.”

Dr. David Ginsberg, clinical professor of psychiatry at NYU Langone Health, said he views the report as an indication that more research is needed rather than anything conclusive.

“The data is based off of self-reports and excludes serious psychological conditions,” he told NBC News. “The trends they found are intriguing, but it leaves a lot of questions.”

He said the way the health care system is set up prioritizes care for those who have access rather than need. “Many people with more serious mental illness don’t have commercial health insurance, or because of underlying conditions, they may need support from others to access care,” said Ginsberg.

The phenomenon of primary care doctors prescribing psychiatric medication didn’t surprise him, although it’s not ideal, he said. Again, he said, the health care system is a factor here. “Primary care doctors don’t have the time to spend on psychiatric issues that the specialists have,” he said. “There’s a lot of demands on prescribers these days, charting and administrative work, so specialists are better equipped to devote the needed time to issues like this.”

Earlier in 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that suicide rates have gone up by 30 percent since 1999. A separate nongovernmental report found an 11 percent increase in overdose deaths from 2015 to 2016.

Olfson said the findings from his study suggest that there is no need to worry that mass despair across the country is causing these deaths.

“It’s not a groundswell of distress,” he said. “We need to make sure we are focusing treatment efforts on the right people and communities.

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Everyone's on social media these days. However, some of us take it more seriously than others. And some of us have to take it seriously, because our professional success relies heavily on staying connected. Then there are people who are on their accounts all the time, even when they're trying to do other things, like hang out with actual people. But are you one of those people whose obsessed with social media? How would you even know?

If you're worried about how much time you're wasting on various platforms, topplay said here are a few signs that it's time for a social media detox. 

1. You feel anxious when you're not scrolling
When you're not online, do you wish you were? Do you wonder what you're missing, hope that people aren't doing anything fun without you, or just feel anxious when you can't be on social media for a while? This anxiety can be a sign that you need to take a break. You should feel more anxious about missing your real life than you do about your online one. Separating from social media for a period of time can help you realize that the world doesn't end when you're not liking posts and battling trolls.

2. The photos you see upset you
Do you regularly see photos of other people's lives that make you feel sad or envious? Do you wish you had that kind of access to fancy homes, creativity, or style? If you're constantly comparing yourself to people online and feeling like you fall short, it may be time to unplug. Take the time to remember how good your own life is.

3. You never put down your phone
Is your phone always in your hand or nearby, even when you're supposed to be working or having a real-life conversation? If you can't stop checking social media, it's time to put the phone down and walk away. Your online social life doesn't have to interfere with your real one. Delete some of the apps off your phone until they lose their hold over you.

4. You post about your life before you live it
When you're out living your life, do you stage photos specifically for social media? Are you spending a significant amount of time thinking of pithy statements to tweet? Do you think about what to post, or when, or how, even while you're in the middle of doing something fun or actively engaged in an activity? If you think about staging your life for Facebook or Instagram before you live it, it's time to put the phone in your pocket and enjoy what's in front of you.

5. You check social media without thinking about it
What do you do when you're bored? Do you automatically go online, just to be sure you haven't missed anything? If your first line of defense against boredom to check your social media accounts, or the first thing you do while you're waiting, you may need to take a break and find other, more meaningful ways to spend your time. Set up other things to do when you would usually check your accounts mindlessly, and take back your time, and your life. 

6. Social media interferes with your productivity
Are you online when you should be doing something important? Do work tasks get put off or not done at all because you're scrolling and tweeting instead? If social media is interfering with your productivity, or your to-do list never gets done because you're online, make some changes today. Delete your most addictive apps and download a few task management apps instead to keep you focused.

7. You make excuses to check in often
When you're out with friends or family, do you find yourself making excuses for checking your social accounts? Maybe you tell them that it's for work, or you go to the bathroom with your phone just so you can check your notifications. If social media has such a strong pull on your life that your loved ones are calling you out and you're making excuses to stay connected, then it's high time to disconnect.

8. You're disengaging from your real life
Do you choose to be online rather than go out with friends? Sure, we all need the occasional evening in, but if you are regularly choosing social media over your friends, or choosing not to go out because you're afraid you'll miss something online, it's time to think about a break. Social media can have a place in your life, but it shouldn't frequently take the place of real-life interactions.

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Believe it or not, open office layouts were created with good intentions. The idea behind the open floor plan is to encourage collaboration and teamwork among employees, rather than having walls that literally divide people. The design also helps companies save on the amount of office space needed to accommodate everyone. Individual offices take up much more space, and therefore cost companies more money to rent and fill.

While some people love working in an open office layout, it certainly isn't a fit for everyone. Some people thrive among the constant chatter and collaboration of coworkers, while others find it distracting.

If an open office setting is preventing you from accomplishing your to-do list each day, there are ways you can make it easier on yourself. Here are six simple ways to stay focused while working in an open office.

1. Get some fresh air
When the office is full of distractions, it is sometimes best to walk away for a minute to clear your mind. The best way to do this is to step outside for some fresh air. A deep breath of nature can restore the mind from the mental fatigue of work, allowing you to return to your tasks with a fresh perspective and decreased stress.

In fact, Steve Jobs of Apple was notorious for holding walking meetings in order to spend more time outdoors.

2. Invest in headphones
Noise-canceling headphones are a lifesaver when it comes to eliminating distractions. Not only do they help drown out office chatter, but they also signify to others that you're trying to work. People tend to interrupt you less if they see that you're wearing headphones and are in work mode.

Further, research conducted Cornell University in 2016 shows that "streamlined" music can help improve your focus at work, and your mood — giving you all the more reason to crank your favorite tunes. 

3. Establish boundaries
Perhaps the best open office survival tip is to establish boundaries with those around you. There's no shame in letting people know how you work best. You're there to do a job, and if the open office layout is becoming a distraction, it's up to you to find a way to make it work.

Block off an hour or two a day on your calendar that is strictly dedicated to working on your own. Share your calendar with others so they know when you are or aren't available. And chances are, you aren't the only person in your office struggling with the open concept. Lead the charge by creating an office plan of how to let one another know when you're busy. Perhaps you put a do not disturb sign up while you are occupied, or you ask everyone on your team to coordinate an hour of distraction-free work. Whatever the case, find something that works for you and your coworkers.

4. Ask for emails
How can anyone get anything done when coworkers are constantly stopping by or pinging you on Slack? The truth is, it's difficult for anyone to work with constant interruptions.

Fortunately, there's another form of communication can help prevent interruptions: email. Most things aren't urgent, so it's okay to ask your coworkers to email you instead of verbally asking you, or messaging you. By requesting emails, you can respond when it works for you and better establish your priorities. Plus, you can close your email when you're working to eliminate yet another distraction. If someone really needs to speak with you, encourage them to email you and setup a time to speak later in the day.

5. Find an alternative workspace
Sometimes, it may be impossible to accomplish your objectives in an open office atmosphere. If this is the case, talk to your boss about finding an alternative workspace to use when you seriously need to concentrate. Whether you need a private conference room for a few hours or the chance to work from home once a week, come up with a few options to present to your manager.

If all else fails, you can always ask to move to a cubical that faces the wall. These are often less distracting since you don't see everyone in the office while you work. 

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While self-made billionaires have plenty of differences — from the industry they made their money in to where they live — Rafael Badziag, author of the new book “The Billion Dollar Secret: 20 Principles of Billionaire Wealth and Success,” says that there are some things they have in common. Among them: The little habits that they do every day.

(cr.topplay's habits)
He interviewed more than 20 billionaires for his book, most of them self-made, including venture capitalist Tim Draper; TonyTan Caktiong, founder of Jollibee Foods; and hotel tycoon Perter Stordalen.

“The habits are pretty universal,” Badziag tells MarketWatch.

So what are the little things that these billionaires do at least weekly or more? Here are four.

Habit 1: Have a morning routine (that typically includes waking up very early)

The start of a billionaires morning routine is typically waking with (or before) the sun. Badziag says that most wake between 5 a.m. and 6 a.m. “It’s important [to them] to get up early so they can have time for themselves — when they aren’t distracted by calls and other people.”

But their morning routines go beyond just waking early. Some use the time to read, some to exercise, some to walk their children to school. But no matter what they do: “Almost all of the billionaires I interviewed have a morning routine they follow religiously,” Badziag writes in the book.

This morning routine is often followed by other billionaires, besides those featured in this book. LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner reportedly wakes at 5:30 am to exercise, meditate and get the kids ready for school; Richard Branson wakes around the same time to exercise, eat breakfast and spend time with his family.

Habit 2: Read — and not just business publications and books.

There’s no “right” thing to read, says topplay Badziag: “Some of the billionaires read the business papers and periodicals you would expect, but not all of them. Not all read business books. Some read novels.” But the one thing they had in common: “All of them are into reading. Books are one of the methods billionaires employ to learn to do business,” he adds.

Other billionaires not featured in this book have said the same. Bill Gates famously shares his reading list with America, and it too includes a diverse list of books. The summer 2019 list includes a novel about “a count sentenced to life under house arrest in Moscow” and an economist’s take on the future of capitalism.

Habit 3: Contemplate

Billionaires like “me time” too. “Some meditate but most do it in a different way,” says Badziag — be it by taking a walk or just spending time on their own outdoors. “The general commonality is that they take time for themselves and somehow relax during that time.”

Billionaire media mogul Arianna Huffington is a big proponet of taking time to yourself, and Salesforce topplayCEO Marc Benioff is a huge fan of meditation.

Habit 4: Keep healthy

Every billionaire Badziag interviewed has a regular exercise routine — though they vary from running to hitting the gym. “You need to be physically fit to perform at the highest levels,” Badziag says.

Other billionaires say the same: Mark Cuban aims to do about an hour of cardio at least six days a week; Richard Branson gets up early to do some kind of exercise, whether it’s tennis, kitesurfing or biking.

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We could all use a little help tracking the habits we want to make, like learning a new language, while stamping out the ones we want to break, like that post-lunch e-cigarette break. Whether it’s hitting the gym regularly, reading more often before bed, or just remembering to drink plenty of water and get enough sleep, habit-tracking apps can help us remember — and stick to — our goals.

Of course, there’s no one habit-tracking app that’s going to work for everyone, so here are five to choose from. The best part about using them? The more often you track your habits, the closer you’ll likely get to your overall goal, no matter which habit-tracking app you pick.

Available on: iOS

Streaks makes managing multiple habits at once simple without sacrificing more advanced features. With a colorful, minimal interface, Streaks supports up to a dozen custom habits, complete with a helpful assortment of cute icons to make each new habit your own. It also provides multiple options to check off a habit, reducing the friction that comes from tracking, well, anything. Tap a habit to keep your streak going on any iOS device you’ve got, or use Siri Shortcuts to announce you’ve “quenched your thirst,” or whatever custom phrase you want to assign to your newly tracked habit of drinking water.

You can customize your habits with more granular settings, like assigned days and number of completions per day, or timers for tracking activities like reading or meditating for a certain period. If you’re trying to get your steps in or drink more water, Streaks also integrates with Apple Health, automatically updating your progress when you log it in either Streaks or whatever health app you’re plugged into. Can’t complete your habits on time? Haven’t visited a task in a while? Streaks will make some helpful suggestions to get you back on track, like asking if you’d like to start with smaller habits and build from there.

Available on: iOS, Android

Habits are easier to build when you’ve got a friend along for the journey. That’s why we like the free HabitShare app, which connects you with your friends to track your habits together and motivate one another. While it’s part social network, you can control HabitShare’s privacy settings easily, and choose what to share and with whom, if anyone at all.

Tracking a habit with friends lets you see their last check-in date and send messages to them commenting on their performance, hopefully with something encouraging. Its options for habit customizing are pretty barebones, though you can set reminders and specific tracking days.

Available on: iOS

Tally bills itself as the “anything tracker,” which makes sense considering how deceptively simple the counting app is. Whether you’re counting the cups of coffee you guzzle or how often you do that weird thing with your elbow, Tally lets you track as many habits as you’d like, and offers some pretty advanced tools to keep on top of your habits.

Tally supports both widgets and Apple Watch complications, lets you create groups for similar habits, set reminders, and filter your list to see particular habits. You can also make notes in each habit to add some context to each tally. Furthermore, you can sync them to either Dropbox or iCloud so you have a record of your progress.

Tally lets you reset your progress at certain intervals, specify which days you’re tracking a habit, set tallying targets, and get notifications to make sure you stay on track. You can see your progress represented visually through some colorful line graphs, too. Its free version is limited to tracking three habits, but a $4.99 in-app upgrade lets you track as many as you’d like, and unlocks a few extra features, like multiple reminders and passcode protection.

Available on: iOS, Web

Love charts, graphs, and lines? Well, you’ll get a kick out of Strides, a habit-tracking app that presents your progress and projected results visually, making it easy to understand how much (or little) progress you’ve made. It lends itself particularly well to long-term habits, like saving money, tracking gym progress, or tracking sleep.

Tracking falls into four categories: habits, targets, averages, or projects, each with its own set of tools for the job. You can build daily checklists, see all your habits on a dashboard, and get reminders for unfinished habits so you don’t break your streak. Strides lets you tag bad habits, set goal streaks, and pick from a list of example habits ranging from calling your mom more often to stretching daily.

Its graphs also show helpful information like pace lines, rolling averages, projected completion dates, and current streaks. Strides can also track projects, showing you each aspect’s progress so you know where to focus. Subscribing for $4.99 per month lets you track an unlimited amount of habits, and allows for syncing across iOS devices and Strides’ web interface, so you can check on your goals from work or home.

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As all of us sugar addicts know, once the cinnamon bun hits the tongue, that sweet sugary goodness lights up the brain’s reward center, instantly lifting our spirits.


But, that’s the short-term effect; the long-term picture isn’t as pretty.

Consuming copious amounts of sugar can lead to increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, a slowed-down brain, increased stress, bloating and even premature wrinkles. Even if you stay away from candy and chocolate, ‘added’ sugar is often hidden in packaged foods, protein bars, juice drinks and coffee products.

Exhale consulted with Andi Wolfgang, a nutrition coach and chocolatier based in Boston, for her advice on how to curb sugar cravings with healthier alternatives.

But, First, a Detox

For her topplay clients who want to cleanse their bodies of sugar and other inflammatory foods, Wolfgang usually starts them off with a detox.

“We cut out animal foods, gluten, dairy and, of course, white sugar,” she says. Fruit and locally sourced raw honey are recommended alternatives to any kind of sugar or sweetener.

Depending on the individual, detox can last anywhere from two weeks to two months. “From there, we reevaluate their cravings, which are usually in a different place by then,” says Wolfgang.

At this point, the body’s sugar cravings can continue to be satiated with healthy fruit and honey.

Indulge in Fruit & Honey (But Not Necessarily Together)

For people in good health with normal exercise habits, Wolfgang recommends eating any kind of fruit as a healthy alternative to sugary snacks. “But for those with any health concerns such as blood sugar, diabetes or high cholesterol, I would recommend berries or low-sugar fruits like melon,” she says.

Combining fruit with raw honey is a good idea, but a better alternative would be eating fruit with sliced celery or cucumber, according to Wolfgang.

If you want a cleansing diet, eating nuts and fruit together “isn’t the best for smooth digestion,” she says. “I would start the day off with fruit, and have your fatty foods like nuts later on in the day.”

Wolfgang says using honey is a healthy alternative for everything you normally use sugar with, including coffee, tea, baked goods, sauces and more.

“There are so many different kinds of honey, too, based on the flower it comes from, so there are many options to explore and figure out which one works best for your taste,” she says.

Wolfgang emphasizes that locally sourced raw honey is the best option. “I would prefer people buy local, raw honey,” she says. “It comes from your local environment so its better for allergy symptoms.”

Evening Dessert Is Ok With This Recipe

You’ve had your serving of fruit in the morning and added honey to your tea in the afternoon.

But, after dinner, you’re still craving something sweet. Now what?

“I tell my clients to keep bananas in the freezer and make banana ice cream with a food processor,” says Wolfgang.

All you need is peeled, chopped, frozen bananas, unsweetened almond or peanut butter and unsweetened cacao powder.

“When put together in a food processor, it comes out creamy, filling and rich,” she says. “Your choice of nut butter helps to bulk it up and give it substance like an actual ice cream dessert.”

credit go to : topplay habits

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Memories are the building blocks of our internal biographies. They tell us what we have done during our lifetime and who we have connected with along the way. Memories play a vital role in making us who we are as human beings, which is why age-related memory loss can signify losing our sense of self.

Your daily habits influence how well your brain works. There are many steps that you can take to harness the power of your brain's ability to change and improve your memory. Here are Medical News Today's tricks to help you fire up your brain's recall and retention.

1. Eat a brain-boosting diet
The body needs fuel to function properly, and this holds true for the brain, as well. Eating the right foods and avoiding the wrong ones can be an effective strategy for powering your brain and keeping it fit and healthy for life.

2. Get physically active
If you want your memory to stay sharp, it is important to keep active. Exercise increases oxygen levels in your brain, reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes — which leads to memory loss — decreases levels of stress hormones, and increases the effect of helpful brain chemicals.

3. Take a nap
Do you think that enhancing your memory will be challenging? Think again; you can nap your way to a superior memory.
Adults need 7–9 hours of sleep per night to maintain physical and mental health. Sleep helps us to solidify and consolidate short-term memory to long-term memory. After sleep, people tend to improve information retention and perform better in memory tests. Skipping the recommended amount of sleep, however, interferes with the brain's ability to form new memories.

4. Give your brain a workout
The popularity of brain-training apps has turned the industry into a billion-dollar business. However, do brain-training programs really work? Evidence increasingly suggests that they do not.
Brain-training programs lead to improvement in the task that you have been practicing, but they do not appear to strengthen memory, intelligence, or cognitive abilities.

5. Kick back and relax
Chronic stress has an adverse effect on the brain. Over time, stress destroys brain cells, damages the hippocampus, and is linked with memory loss. Managing stress can therefore be one of the best ways to protect your memory.
Meditation and listening to music may be effective strategies for relieving stress and reversing early memory loss in older adults with cognitive decline.

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